Feeling Overwhelmed?
You’re not alone! Meet The Overwhelmed Mommy – a top blogger and Instagram superstar whose gorgeous pix and helpful tips will make you feel a little bit less alone on this journey!
Q. How many kids do you have?
A. I’ve got two – Ava Sue is three years old and her little brother Franky is 6 months.
Q.How long have you been breastfeeding and why did you choose to do so?
A. I breastfed Ava for two years and I’m currently still breastfeeding Franky. I choose to breastfeed for the convenience, health (for me and the babies!), and it’s free!
Q.What was one of your biggest challenges and how did you get through it?
A. Having babies who are always attached to me – neither took a bottle or a pacifier so it makes it difficult to get out and do things for more than a couple hours. As for overcoming that, I didn’t haha. We just don’t leave the babies for longer than a couple hours. Otherwise, they come with me!
Q. What’s your best advice for new moms, breastfeeding or not?
A. Get dressed and ready every single day. It’s so simple but makes a world of a difference. I wrote a post on this last week, actually!
Q. Where can new moms find you online?
A. They can find my blog, The Overwhelmed Mommy, at www.theoverwhelmedmommy.com or on social media at @theoverwhelmedmommy.
This Month’s Tip from Your Friends at Simple Wishes

You may be feeling overwhelmed, but one thing you’ve got to make time for is a monthly self-breast exam! October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and a great time to commit to conducting monthly self-exams. Why? Well, according to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, 40% of diagnosed breast cancers are detected by women who feel a lump. Mammograms are designed to detect cancer before a lump is detected, but self-exams are an effective way to keep tabs on your breasts in between your mammogram appointments. And it’s easy!
- While in the shower, move your fingers in a circular pattern beginning at your nipple and moving all the way into your armpit area. You’re feeling for any bumps, knots, or thickened areas. Consult your healthcare provider if you find anything unusual.
- Standing in front of a mirror, check your breasts for any changes including swollen areas, dimples in your skin, or changes to your nipples. Look at your breasts with your arms hanging to your side, raised over your head and flexed, with your hands on your hips. Again, consult your healthcare provider if you see anything new or different.
- Lying down on the floor or the bed, place a pillow under one shoulder and raise the same arm over your head. Use the other hand to check that breast for irregularities by pressing your fingers in a circular motion from nipple to armpit. Squeeze your nipple to check for discharge. Repeat on the other side.
That’s it! Commit to checking your breasts today, then set a reoccurring reminder on your phone’s calendar to check again on this day every month. You owe it to yourself – and your baby! For more information about self-exams and breast cancer, visit The National Breast Cancer Foundation’s website.